Vulnerability factors associated with college adjustment trajectories during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Variante du titre:
Covid-19, vulnerability, and college adjustment trajectories
Larose, Simon; Litalien, David; Boisclair Châteauvert, Geneviève; Janosz, Michel; Beaulieu, Catherine; Girard-Lamontagne, Alexandre; Gagnon, Marie-Hélène; Bureau, Julien S.; Cellard, Caroline; Geoffroy, Marie-Claude; Côté, Sylvana
Support matériel:
Ressource électronique
Type de document:
Article de périodique
1927-6052 (numérique)
1927-6044 (papier)
Sciedu Press
Université Laval
Université de Montréal
Cégep Saint-Laurent
Centre Collégial de Soutien à l’Intégration (CCSI)
McGill University
Observation Pour l’Éducation et la Santé des enfants (OPES)
Type de licence:
CC-BY 4.0
Description matérielle:
1 fichier PDF
Comprend des références bibliographiques et webographiques
"The COVID-19 pandemic has overturned the lives of students in higher education. This
study examines trajectories of college adjustment (in terms of academic, social, and emotional
functioning) and associated vulnerability factors (e.g., disability status, low GPA, and low
parental income) in students who experienced the first wave of the pandemic in the province of
Québec (Canada). The sample comprises 1,826 students (mean age =18.2) attending 10 French language colleges. Using a longitudinal design, college adjustment was assessed in October 2019
(pre-COVID-19), early March 2020 (just before the pandemic was first declared in Québec), and
April–May 2020 (peak of the first wave). The trajectory analysis (growth mixture models)
indicates that most students perceived moderate declines in academic and social adjustment
during the first wave. Large declines in academic and social adjustment were reported by 10% of
students, with improvements by only 4%. Emotional adjustment was the most stable indicator of
college adjustment during the first wave. Students with mental health diagnosis, lower parental
income, and lower high school GPA were generally at greater risk for following a low
functioning or worsening trajectory compared to other students. Preventive measures to reduce
the pandemic’s long-term effects on academic and professional outcomes are recommended." -- provided by authors
Enseignement collégial; Passage au collégial; Adaptation; Étudiant au collège; Besoins de l'étudiant; Prévention
Documents liés:
Canadian Journal of High Education Vol 13, no 5, November 2024
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