Éditeur:Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA) Association canadienne de recherche sur la formation en ligne (ACRFL)
Type de licence:CC BY-ND
Description matérielle:1 fichier PDF
Note:Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Évolution de la formation à distance et de l’apprentissage en ligne dans les universités et collèges du Canada : 2018"
The first comprehensive survey of online and distance learning in Canadian public post-secondary institutions, covering all types of institution and every province and territory, was conducted in 2017. This research indicated that online learning was alive and well in Canadian post-secondary institutions, with 85% of responding institutions offering at least some online learning for credit in 2016, and with courses offered in almost all subject areas in one institution or another. Two-thirds of responding institutions stated that online learning was considered 'very' or 'extremely' important for their long-term future. The 2018 study builds on the prior year's results, with an expanded roster of institutions, a modified questionnaire with more detailed questions, and refined definitions and enrolment questions. The responding institutions covered 92% of all students in post-secondary education in Canada.
Sujet:Enseignement à distance; Technologies de l'information et de la communication en enseignement; Enseignement postsecondaire; Enquête
Titre:Rapport du chantier eCampus FAD en enseignement supérieur
Auteur:Bureau de la mise en oeuvre du plan d’action numérique transformation numérique et ressources informationnelles gouvernance des technologies, des infrastructures et des ressources; Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieurDate:2020