Éditeur:Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC)
Description matérielle:1 fichier PDF
Note:Comprend des références bibliographiques et webographiques Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Trois voies pour développer les compétences pour la lutte contre les changements climatiques"
"Like many CEGEP teachers, you may be concerned about
the urgency of climate change. Well, this concern is
shared by a large portion of the student population. At the college level, where civic awareness is
forged, addressing the fight against climate change
(FCC) can have a significant impact on civic engagement, the ability of students to protect themselves
from the health impacts of climate change, and the
acquisition of professional competencies. Because
teaching about climate change is relatively new, this
article explores three possible approaches to developing FCC competencies at the college level. It also
suggests ways to overcome the main barriers that
teaching staff face." -- AQPC
Sujet:Enseignement collégial; Compétence de l'étudiant; Éducation civique; Éducation relative à l'environnement; Adaptation; Rôle de l'enseignant