Alternative grading practices : a better way to support and attest to learning
Voisard, Bruno; Cormier, Caroline; Arseneault-Hubert, François
Support matériel:Ressource électronique
Type de document:Article de périodique
Éditeur:Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC)
Description matérielle:1 fichier PDF
Note:Comprend des références bibliographiques et webographiques Disponible en français dans sous le titre "Les pratiques alternatives de notation: pour mieux soutenir les apprentissages et en témoigner"
"Bruno’s confession: For 20 years, I gave marks
for every summative evaluation, a practice
I could no longer contemplate today. What
happened to me? You could say I’ve been
struck by alternative grading practices (AGP).
All right, this may sound strange, and I can
see how someone might think: "It looks like
he’s joined a cult." From my point of view, I’d
say I’ve come across ideas that have brought
about a change in my approach to evaluation.
An article in Chemical and Engineering News
(Arnaud, 2021) that focused on specifications
grading (Nilson, 2015) was my way into the
world of AGPs. I then discovered a variety of
these practices and experimented with several
of them in the classroom. My only disappointment? Not learning about them sooner!" -- AQPC
Sujet:Enseignement collégial; Évaluation de l'apprentissage; Note; Pratique éducative; Caractéristiques de l'étudiant