Intellectual property, faculty rights and the public good
Bernstein, Samantha; Kezar, Adrianna J.
Support matériel:
Ressource électronique
Type de document:
Description matérielle:
1 ressource en ligne (110 pages)
Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index
Note de dépouillement:
1. The Legalization of Higher Education, Lara K. Badke, A comprehensive introduction to higher education’s legal context, from which the rise of legalistic criteria (or “legalization”) and current IP regime have grown.
2. Faculty Rights to Courses and Digital Courseware, Shafiqa Ahmadi, A legal analysis of faculty rights to traditional and digital course materials, including a discussion of fair use and the work-made-for-hire doctrine.
3. Faculty Rights to Scholarly Research, Molly Kleinman, This chapter provides a discussion of faculty rights to their scholarly work, with emphasis on the role of for profit publishers and the rise of open access scholarly publishing.
4. “Owning” Knowledge: Looking Beyond Politics to Find the Public Good, Samantha Bernstein-Sierra, A theoretical discussion of openness as a movement in higher education, facilitated by technology, with its own set of values tied closely to the public good.
5. Negotiating Whose Property It Is, for the Public Good, Gary Rhoades, An empirical examination of public good values as they are, or are not, expressed in the intellectual property policies of public and private universities.
6. University Faculty and the Value of Their Intellectual Property: Comparing IP in Teaching and Research, Guilbert C. Hentschke, A global economic analysis of faculty rights to their teaching and research, and the monetary values associated with various types of intellectual property in academe.
7. Faculty Voice in Intellectual Property Policies: Collective Action for the Public Good, Adrianna Kezar, A synthesis of all chapters, and practical discussion of the book’s ramifications for faculty members in the academy.
Droit d'auteur; Milieu institutionnel; Droits; Recherche scientifique
Documents liés:
New directions for higher education ; number 177
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