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About ÉDUQ

ÉDUQ is an open archive established for the Quebec college network by the Centre de documentation collégiale (CDC) in 2015.


ÉDUQ, the digital open archive of the Quebec college network, collects, retains, and disseminates full-text documents about teaching, learning, and institutional development in Quebec’s Cegeps and colleges.

The goal of putting ÉDUQ online is to maximize accessibility and the long-term survival of documentation produced by the college network so as to promote the exchange of ideas and expertise in college-level teaching.

Development of the CDC collection relies on the voluntary submission of documents by college network partners (individuals and institutions) through auto archiving.

All ÉDUQ services are free.

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Content and Thematic Coverage

ÉDUQ replaces the Regard catalogue for the dissemination of the CDC's heritage and research collection. It contains the entire documentary collection of the CDC; namely, some 31,000 documents in electronic or paper format from several college network organizations and institutions as well as books, articles, research reports, and theses. For more information on the CDC collection, please consult the Politique de développement de la collection (French only).

The thematic coverage of the open archive focuses on teaching, learning, and institutional development at the college level. The documents included in the CDC collection cover the period from the creation of Cegeps (in the mid-1960s) to today.

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Voluntary submission

To enrich ÉDUQ, we rely on the voluntary deposit of documents (articles, theses, research reports, etc.) involving the college setting.

By uploading your documents on teaching, learning, and the institutional development of Quebec colleges and Cegeps, you can share your ideas with your colleagues and researchers while benefiting from a space ensuring the long-term retention of your publications. You will also have access to statistics on the consultation of your documents.

Simply fill out the Submit your document form and attach your text. We catalogue and index your document with the ÉDUthès Thesaurus, which facilitates retrieval.

Voluntary submission is also welcome from any organization working with the Quebec college network. These organizations may become a contributing partner. Publications can be grouped by organization as communities and as collections.

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The name ÉDUQ was chosen to evoke continuity in the dissemination and retention of college documentary holdings. From 1981 to 1997, ÉDUQ was a paper index of a bibliographical database with microfiches, of Quebec documentation in education managed by Services documentaires multimédia (SDM) inc.

The documentation listed in ÉDUQ came in particular from the collection of the Centre d’animation, de développement et de recherche en éducation (CADRE), from which the CDC took over in 1990.

The CDC acquired the ÉDUQ index in the year 2000, and also became the owner of the ÉDUthès thesaurus, which has been used for indexing Quebec documentary resources in education for over 40 years.

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Software used

The ÉDUQ open archive evolves on the DSpace platform developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This free platform has a broad base of users and developers throughout the world, including several universities in Canada.

Each ÉDUQ resource has a unique identifier recognized worldwide. Called a “handle,” this identifier ensures permanent access to these resources in the open archive (permanent URLs).

Also note that the metadata (description) of documents in ÉDUQ can be queried by other software or databases via OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).

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Financial support

This archive is funded by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec. For this specific project, the Centre de documentation collégiale, the project initiator, received financial support from the Canada-Quebec Bilateral Agreement on Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction.

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