Anatomy of a collaboration : study of college of education-public school partnership

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Afficher la notice simple Slater, Judith J. 2024-02-09T21:25:12Z 2024-02-09T21:25:12Z 2021
dc.identifier.isbn 9781000525823 (e-book)
dc.identifier.isbn 9781032165189 (papier)
dc.identifier.other cdcEBC6789319
dc.description Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index
dc.description.abstract "First published in 1996, Anatomy of a Collaboration is an important book for scholars who are interested not only in collaboration between bureaucracies but also in the dynamics of bureaucratic organizations in general. Educational leaders will find the book helpful as a case study of the vicissitudes of collaborative efforts between public school bureaucracies and university teacher education organizations. Slater situates the book in the larger context of educational reform, grounding each chapter around the question: How do we overcome the intractability of bureaucracy, especially when reforms involve the collaboration of bureaucratic organizations?" -- ProQuest
dc.format.extent 1 ressource en ligne (xxiii, 193 pages) : illustrations.
dc.format.medium Ressource électronique
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher Routledge
dc.relation.ispartof Critical education practice ; Volume 6
dc.relation.ispartof Garland reference library of social science ; Volume 951
dc.subject Éducation fr
dc.subject Administrateur scolaire fr
dc.subject Coopération fr
dc.subject Réforme fr
dc.title Anatomy of a collaboration : study of college of education-public school partnership
dc.type Livre fr

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