Cases on research support services in academic libraries

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Afficher la notice simple Fernandez-Marcial, Viviana Gonzalez-Solar, Llarina 2024-02-09T21:15:59Z 2024-02-09T21:15:59Z 2021
dc.identifier.isbn 9781799845478 (e-book)
dc.identifier.isbn 9781799845461 (papier)
dc.identifier.other cdcEBC6301470
dc.description Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index fr
dc.description.abstract "Academic libraries have traditionally had two key functions, to support teaching and to support research. In an evolving and competitive university environment, along with the emergence of various technologies and substantial changes in scientific communication, university management has reached a turning point. Academic libraries are facing a paradigm shift in the role they need to play to achieve the research objectives of universities. Research support services in academic libraries have evolved as a response to these changes. They are heterogeneous, adapt to their university culture, adopt different points of view, take different approaches in their organizational structures, and include a diverse catalog of activities. Having an overview of different experiences will allow libraries to adopt best practices, redefine services, and even establish new management and collaboration models. Cases on Research Support Services in Academic Libraries is a critical scholarly resource that uses case studies to systematize the experiences of research support services in academic libraries for the support of higher education faculty. The cases focus on such items as the role of technology and its impact as well as how these services help to improve the excellence of universities. Featuring a wide range of topics such as library services, data management, and open science, this book is ideal for librarians, academicians, professionals, researchers, and students." -- ProQuest
dc.format.extent 1 ressource en ligne (xxvi, 344 pages) : illustrations
dc.format.medium Ressource électronique
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher IGI Global
dc.subject Sciences de l'information
dc.subject Bibliothèque fr
dc.subject Établissement d'enseignement fr
dc.subject Chercheur fr
dc.subject Aide fr
dc.subject Utilisation de la bibliothèque fr
dc.subject Bibliothécaire fr
dc.title Cases on research support services in academic libraries
dc.type Livre fr

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