Reading for understanding : how reading apprenticeship improves disciplinary learning in secondary and college classrooms

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Afficher la notice simple Greenleaf, Cynthia Schoenbach, Ruth Friedrich, Linda Murphy, Lynn Hogan, Nika 2023-06-29T17:52:55Z 2023-06-29T17:52:55Z 2023
dc.identifier.isbn 9781119816546 fr
dc.identifier.isbn 9781119816553 fr
dc.identifier.isbn 9781119816560 fr
dc.identifier.uri fr
dc.description Comprend un index fr
dc.description Édition : 3rd ed
dc.description.abstract "Improve student outcomes in reading and literacy with the latest edition of this bestselling text The newly revised Third Edition of Reading for Understanding: How Reading Apprenticeship Improves Disciplinary Learning in Secondary and College Classrooms is the latest iteration of the best-selling, landmark book in the field of adolescent literacy. The book contains strategies for boosting the reading independence of middle, secondary, and college students. Research conducted by NSF, IES, and OIIhas validated the model taught in Reading for Understanding, demonstrating its effectiveness in raising students'reading achievement levels. The authors teach a clear and concise instructional framework for students at all learning levels, from those with special learning needs to those taking honors and Advanced Placement courses. The book also includes: A direct correlation to disciplinary literacy, making the book an even more valuable resource in a wide range of classrooms Explanation of the social and personal dimensions for building a foundation for engaged learning Discussions of the value of setting aside dedicated class time for independent, silent readingWith collaboration tips that go beyond the classroom and advice on building a cognitive “reading toolbox,” Reading for Understanding is an indispensable resource for teachers at the Grade 6 and up, literacy coaches, reading teachers, community college instructors, and other school leaders." -- EBSCOhost fr
dc.description.tableofcontents Foreword ix -- Preface xiii -- Acknowledgments xix -- Chapter 1: Engaged Academic Literacy for All -- Chapter 2: The Reading Apprenticeship Framework 19 -- Chapter 3: The Social and Personal Dimensions 57-- Chapter 4: Metacognitive Conversation 93 -- Chapter 5: Extensive Academic Reading 151 -- Chapter 6: The Cognitive Dimension 197 -- Chapter 7: The Knowledge-Building Dimension 243 -- Chapter 8: Disciplinary Inquiry 297 -- Epilogue Collaborating Beyond the Classroom 339 -- List of Additional Resources 343 -- About the Authors 347 -- Index 349 fr
dc.format.extent 1 ressource en ligne ( 387 pages) fr
dc.format.medium Ressource électronique fr
dc.language.iso eng fr
dc.publisher Jossey-Bass fr
dc.subject Enseignement postsecondaire fr
dc.subject Enseignement secondaire fr
dc.subject Français (Langue) fr
dc.subject Compréhension de la lecture fr
dc.subject Stratégie d'enseignement fr
dc.subject Pratique éducative fr
dc.title Reading for understanding : how reading apprenticeship improves disciplinary learning in secondary and college classrooms fr
dc.type Livre fr

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