"In recent years, the uses of artificial intelligence (AI)
have transcended the context of research in educational sciences and have been implemented in
CEGEPs. For example, we can cite the conversational robot ALI from the Cégep de Chicoutimi
and the Collège de Rimouski, aimed at providing
psychosocial support to students, or Cégep à distance’s Tableau de bord [Dashboard, Ed.] which
guides students in their success. More recently,
ChatGPT has demonstrated the possibilities of AI
to automatically generate new text with a level of
complexity approaching what humans are capable
of doing. This is a breakthrough that provides a
glimpse of a wide range of uses at the college level,
touching all disciplines, for better or for worse.
We have chosen to exchange on the topic in order to
identify more precisely the potential and the challenges of AI in the college system, by confronting our
perspectives—one from the world of research, rooted
in scientific literature, and the other from the field,
oriented toward practice." -- AQPC