Éditeur:Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC)
Description matérielle:1 fichier PDF
Note:Comprend des références bibliographiques et webographiques Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "À la recherche de pratiques motivantes"
"Do you know what academic motivation is and how
to develop it in students? Although the subject has
been discussed many times, including in the pages
of this journal, it keeps being revisited as a fundamental aspect of the educational process. "How do I motivate my students?" This is a question that
many teachers ask themselves when faced with a
more or less interested class. Some develop knowhow and manage to motivate the troops, others do not. Is it a question of intuition or personality?
Not really! There are proven practices that support
students’ motivation to learn.
This article discusses the best-known theories of
motivation and presents what teachers can do
to support motivation to learn. For each of these
theories, a case study of a hypothetical student’s
story is presented, and the role that the teacher
can play is detailed." -- AQPC
Sujet:Motivation de l'étudiant; Théorie; Analyse; Étude de cas; Enseignement collégial; Aide à l'apprentissage