A look at the pedagogical perspectives of Quebec cinema

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dc.contributor.author Gravel, Marianne
dc.contributor.author Poirier, Christian
dc.contributor.author Pelletier, Laurent
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-27T13:25:05Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-27T13:25:05Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.issn 0835-8974 fr
dc.identifier.uri https://eduq.info/xmlui/handle/11515/38670
dc.description Comprend des références bibliographiques fr
dc.description Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Regard sur les perspectives pédagogiques du cinéma québécois" fr
dc.description.abstract "Introducing Quebec cinema to college students has genuine cultural, civic and human benefits. There are many ways to include the 7th art in the classroom and the pedagogical value of this approach is very high. Let’s zoom in on the educational potential of moving images and Quebec cinema."--AQPC fr
dc.format.extent 1 fichier PDF fr
dc.format.medium Ressource électronique fr
dc.language.iso eng fr
dc.publisher Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC) fr
dc.relation.ispartof Pédagogie collégiale vol. 36, no 1, fall 2022 fr
dc.subject Enseignement collégial fr
dc.subject Recherche collégiale fr
dc.subject Cinéma fr
dc.subject Recherche quantitative fr
dc.subject Recherche qualitative fr
dc.subject Activité culturelle fr
dc.subject Éducation artistique fr
dc.subject Éducation artistique fr
dc.title A look at the pedagogical perspectives of Quebec cinema fr
dc.type Article de périodique fr

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