Developing judgment in authentic situautions: experience-based learning in a simulated scenario for safe professional practice
Deschênes, Marie-France; Fournier, Viviane; St-Julien, André
Form of Item:Ressource électronique
Document Type:Article de périodique
Editor:Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC)
Physical Description:1 fichier PDF
Note:Comprend des références bibliographiques
How do we promote the development of students’ judgment? In a technical training context, how do we lead them to exercise sound judgment for safe professional practice? How do we promote experience-based learning that supports the development of complex practical knowledge? By what teaching method can we enable students to draw direct links between action and professional reflection? We strived to answer these questions through experimental research (Deschênes et al., 2015), in a project that emerged from a partnership among health and education resources in the Montreal region. This article presents the most interesting findings of this research, which focused on the contribution of high-fidelity clinical simulation (HFCS) as a technological support for experience-based learning in nursing programs. Although the research was conducted in the healthcare field, many of the findings could also guide teaching practices in most technical programs where students must develop sound judgment.
Subject:Jugement (Psychologie); Apprentissage expérientiel; Simulation; Enseignement de la sécurité; Enseignement collégial; Soins infirmiers; Formation pratique; Méthode d'enseignement; Pédagogie; Attitude de l'étudiant; Évaluation
Is Part Of:Pédagogie collégiale Pédagogie collégiale Vol. 30, no 1, fall 2016