Exploding the castle : rethinking how video games and game mechanics can shape the future of education

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dc.contributor.author Young, Michael F. D.
dc.contributor.author Slota, Stephen T.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-12-05T20:31:45Z
dc.date.available 2018-12-05T20:31:45Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.isbn 9781681239378 (e-book)
dc.identifier.other cdcEBC4978904
dc.identifier.uri http://ebookcentral-cdc.proxy.collecto.ca/lib/cdcqc1-ebooks/detail.action?docID=4978904
dc.identifier.uri https://eduq.info/xmlui/handle/11515/36305
dc.description Comprend des références bibliographiques.
dc.description.abstract Lacking a digital crystal ball, we cannot predict the future of education or the precise instructional role games will have going forward. Yet we can safely say that games will play some role in the future of K?12 and higher education, and members of the games community will have to choose between being passive observers or active, progressive contributors to the complex and often political process of weaving together pedagogy, technology, and culture. This will involve agreeing that games—or, more specifically, game mechanics and the engagement in joyful learning that they engender—are not only critical for shaping online and classroom instruction but also the evolution of schooling as a whole. eng
dc.format.extent 1 ressource en ligne (286 pages).
dc.format.medium Ressource électronique
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher Information Age Publishing Inc.,
dc.relation.ispartof Psychological Perspectives on Contemporary Educational Issues
dc.subject Jeu éducatif fre
dc.subject Application pédagogique de l'ordinateur fre
dc.subject Enseignement assisté par ordinateur fre
dc.title Exploding the castle : rethinking how video games and game mechanics can shape the future of education
dc.type Livre

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