The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Quebec Colleges
Variante du titre:College documentation bulletin number 18
Havel, Alice; Raymond, Odette
Auteur(s) collectif(s):Centre de documentation collégiale
Support matériel:Ressource électronique
Type de document:Article de périodique
Éditeur:Centre de documentation collégiale
Description matérielle:1 fichier PDF
Note:Disponible en français dans sous le titre "Étudiants en situation de handicap et inclusion dans les collèges du Québec" Comprend des références bibliographiques
Along with the continual growth in the number of students with disabilities in colleges over the past 20 years, the associated challenges have become increasingly more complex. Consequently, there has been a paradigm shift emerging that not everyone is ready to adopt. We are gradually moving towards a Universal Design (UD) approach that allows us to respond to the diverse needs of today’s student population. This bulletin is especially for you, the teachers who daily plan and implement the strategies, methods of evaluation and various measures to ensure that as many of your students as possible can succeed, regardless of their differences.
Sujet:Intégration scolaire; Adaptation scolaire; Égalité en éducation; Déficience; Trouble d'apprentissage; Stratégie d'enseignement; Technologies de l'information et de la communication en enseignement; Enseignement collégial; Bibliographie annotée
Documents liés:College documentation bulletin, #18, June 2017