Éditeur:Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Département d'éducation et pédagogie
Description matérielle:1 fichier PDF
Note:Comprend des références bibliographiques et webographiques
"Course material conversion from standard format to electronic format
for E-Learning purposes have been the object of a lot of work during the
previous years. A number of XML based E-Learming standards as LOM,
SCORM and IMS-QTI have been designed to facilitate course material
conversion and exchange on servers over the Web. Often, the emphasis is
placed on course materiel presentation (E-Learning) while the evaluation (E Evaluation) aspect is neglected. This paper will try to develop the last issue by
proposing a theoretical GOMS derived model allowing evaluation tasks
conversion into evaluation objects coded in IMS-QTI standard. This model will
consider evaluation process adaptability allowing the user interface to adjust
itself to the multimedia components of the evaluation tasks. An E-Evaluation
software will be also designed with adaptive testing capabilities in mind
allowing the questions of the evaluation tasks to be shown in accordance to the
user’s previous answers." -- Provided by authors
Sujet:Évaluation de l'apprentissage; Internet; Élaboration de didacticiels; Normes; Enseignement assisté par ordinateur; Technologies de l'information et de la communication