Varying Form of Title:College documentation bulletin number 16
Howe, Robert
Corporate author(s):Centre de documentation collégiale
Form of Item:Ressource électronique
Document Type:Article de périodique
Editor:Centre de documentation collégiale
Physical Description:1 fichier PDF
Note:Disponible en français dans sous le titre "L'évaluation sommative" Comprend des références bibliographiques
Summative assessment is almost an everyday topic of discussion. All teachers assess student learning; always in a “summative” way and almost always in a “formative” way. For many, summative assessment is the assessment that “counts,” and formative assessment is the one that “does not count.” This literature review might seem outdated to some, because almost all the texts that deal with learning assessment are explicitly or implicitly rooted in summative assessment. It is, however, important to go back in order to reconnect with the basic principles of measurement and evaluation. This is what we offer in this selection of documents - references that are all conducive to reflection.