School Success for Boys - part 2 : actions and avenues of intervention
Varying Form of Title:College Documentation Bulletin number 8
Boisvert, Jacques
Corporate author(s):Centre de documentation collégiale
Form of Item:Ressource électronique
Document Type:Article de périodique
Editor:Centre de documentation collégiale
Physical Description:1 fichier PDF
Note:Voir aussi : "School Success for Boys - part 1 : global problems and factors in play" (College documentation bulletin, #6, May 2011), disponible dans Disponible en français dans sous le titre "La réussite scolaire des garçons - partie 2 : actions et pistes d'intervention" Comprend des références bibliographiques
Part 1 of the College Documentation Bulletin on academic success for boys (May 2011) deals with the context and factors that come into play regarding this set of problems. Part 2 today presents texts proposing avenues of intervention. There are suggested measures aimed at diminishing the gap in results between boys and girls at the CEGEP level, referring to practices in use in the educational system, to research results and thoughts of educationists on this very question.
Subject:Garçon; Réussite scolaire; Plan d'intervention
Is Part Of:College documentation bulletin, #8, January 2012