Learning technologies : students with disabilities in postsecondary education : appendices to the final report to the Office of learning technologies /
Learning technologies : students with disabilities in postsecondary education : appendices to the final report to the Office of learning technologies /
Fichten, Catherine S.; Barile, Maria; Asuncion, Jennison V.
Form of Item:Ressource physique
Document Type:Rapport de recherche
ISBN:2-9803316-5-1 (rel. à l'anglaise)
Editor:Dawson College,
Physical Description:107 p. : ill. ; 28 cm +
Subject:Dawson College; Adaptech Project; Enseignement postsecondaire; Déficience; Services aux handicapés; Aide à l'apprentissage; Technologies de l'information et de la communication en enseignement; Enquête; Entrevue; Rapport de recherche