Stand tall and move easy : a new approach to better posture

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Afficher la notice simple Farmer, Joanna 2022-09-14T19:13:56Z 2022-09-14T19:13:56Z 2022
dc.identifier.isbn 9782894704271
dc.identifier.other cdc0006815584
dc.description Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index
dc.description.abstract "Stand Tall and Move Easy presents posture as a fundamental skill, a basic fitness component, and a foundation for exercise, sport performance, and efficient movement in daily living. Although written for college students, it is a do-it-yourself approach for anyone wanting to stand taller and move better. The basic premise of the book is that most people—even athletes—have some postural challenge, and that with knowledge, self-awareness, and an active lifestyle, they can overcome such challenges. Your body can feel good and move well at any age. The book is divided into three parts: Posture Theory, Posture Assessment and Analysis, and Planning and Carrying Out a Posture Program. Additional documents freely available from the CCDMD online catalogue include an exercise planning chart and lifestyle monitor chart, as well as a Teaching Guide, which contains the following headings: Course Design, Answers to Quizzes and Activities, and Notes on Activities." -- Provided by publisher
dc.format.extent 96 pages ; 31 cm.
dc.format.medium Ressource physique
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD)
dc.subject Éducation physique fr
dc.subject Manuel scolaire fr
dc.subject Santé physique fr
dc.subject Étudiant au collège fr
dc.subject Formation pratique fr
dc.subject Caractéristiques de l'étudiant fr
dc.title Stand tall and move easy : a new approach to better posture
dc.type Manuel scolaire

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