Teaching the graphic novel

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dc.contributor.author Tabachnick, Stephen Ely
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-31T19:50:57Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-31T19:50:57Z
dc.date.issued 2009
dc.identifier.isbn 9781603290616
dc.identifier.uri https://eduq.info/xmlui/handle/11515/36550
dc.description Comprend des références bibliographiques p.333-340.
dc.description.abstract Graphic novels are now appearing in a great variety of courses: composition, literature, drama, popular culture, travel, art, translation. The thirty-four essays in this volume explore issues that the new art form has posed for teachers at the university level. [MLA]
dc.description.tableofcontents Part I: Theoretical and Aesthetic Issues = Defining Comics in the Classroom; or, The Pros and Cons of Unfixability (Charles Hatfield) ; Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Laocoön and the Lessons of Comics (Brian Tucker) ; Reading Time in Graphic Narrative (Eric S. Rabkin) ; Mise-en-Page: A Vocabulary for Page Layouts (Jesse Cohn) ; The Narrative Intersection of Image and Text: Teaching Panel Frames in Comics (Elizabeth Rosen)Part II: Social Issues = Is There an African American Graphic Novel? (Michael A. Chaney) ; Teaching Maus to a Holocaust Class (Terry Barr) ; Too Weenie to Deal with All of This “Girl Stuff”: Women, Comics, and the Classroom (Anne N. Thalheimer) ; The Graphic Novel as a Choice of Weapons (Tammy Horn) ; Teaching Watchmen in the Wake of 9/11 (James Bucky Carter)Part III: Individual Creators = Chris Ware’s Postmodern Pictographic Experiments (Anthony D. Baker) ; Teaching Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli’s Graphic Novel Adaptation of Paul Auster’s City of Glass(Martha Kuhlman) ; The Urban Studies of Ben Katchor (Mark Feldman) ; The Comics as Outsider’s Text: Teaching R. Crumb and Underground Comix (Edward Brunner) ; Revisionist Superhero Graphic Novels: Teaching Alan Moore’s Watchmen and Frank Miller’s Dark KnightBooks (Darren Harris-Fain) ; Memory’s Architecture: American Studies and the Graphic Novels of Art Spiegelman (Dana A. Heller) ; Autobifictionalography: Making Do in Lynda Barry’s One Hundred Demons (Nathalie op de Beeck) ; Snow White in the City: Teaching Fables, Nursery Rhymes, and Revisions in Graphic Novels (Laurie N. Taylor) ; Graphic Fictions on Graphic Subjects: Teaching the Illustrated Medical Narrative (Frank L. Cioffi) ; The Boundaries of Genre: Translating Shakespeare in Antony Johnston and Brett Weldele’s Julius (J. Caitlin Finlayson) ; Steam Punk and the Visualization of the Victorian: Teaching Alan Moore’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and From Hell (Christine Ferguson) ; Visualizing the Classics: Frank Miller’s 300 in a World Literature Course (Paul D. Streufert)Part IV: Courses and Contexts = Seven Ways I Don’t Teach Comics (Joseph Witek) ; Teaching the Graphic Travel Narrative (M. G. Aune) ; Violent Encounters: Graphic Novels and Film in the Classroom (John G. Nichols) ; Hero and Holocaust: Graphic Novels in the Undergraduate History Classroom (Bryan E. Vizzini) ; It’s a Word! It’s a Picture! It’s Comics! Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Comics (Alison Mandaville and J. P. Avila) ; Comics and the Canon: Graphic Novels, Visual Narrative, and Art History (Claudia Goldstein) ; Teaching Manga: Considerations and Class Exercises (Rachael Hutchinson) ; The Cultural Dimensions of the Hispanic World Seen through Its Graphic Novels (Ana Merino) ; A Cultural Approach to Nonnarrative Graphic Novels: A Case Study from Flanders (Jan Baetens) ; Interdisciplinary Meets Cross-Cultural: Teaching Anime and Manga on a Science and Technology Campus (Pamela Gossin) ; Teaching Franco-Belgian Bande Dessinée (Michael D. Picone)Part V: Resources = Supporting the Teaching of the Graphic Novel: The Role of the Academic Library (Chris Matz) ; A Selected Bibliography of the Graphic Novel and Sequential Art.
dc.format.extent viii, 352 pages : 24 cm.
dc.format.medium Ressource physique
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher The Modern Language Association of America
dc.subject Bande dessinée fre
dc.subject Stratégie d'enseignement fre
dc.subject Enseignement de la lecture fre
dc.title Teaching the graphic novel
dc.type Livre

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