Adult education in the Nordic countries : Nordic co-operation in the field of education

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Afficher la notice simple 2015-11-06T13:01:35Z 2015-11-06T13:01:35Z 1976. fr
dc.identifier.isbn 91-705-2238-3 (br.) fr
dc.identifier.other cdc010559 fr
dc.description The survey has been translated from the Nordic languages into english by persons appointed by the Nordic ministries of education fr
dc.format.extent 149 p. : ill. ; 25 cm fr
dc.format.medium Ressource physique fr
dc.language.iso eng fr
dc.publisher Nordic Council and Secreteriat for Nordic Cultural Co-operation, fr
dc.relation.ispartof Nordisk utredningsserie ; 3 fr
dc.subject Rapport d'enquete fr
dc.subject Éducation des adultes fr
dc.subject Étude comparative fr
dc.title Adult education in the Nordic countries : Nordic co-operation in the field of education fr
dc.type Livre fr

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